Flexible Box Layout (Flexbox)
- Flex container
- Flex item
- Main axis (main-start, main-end)
- Cross axis (cross-start, cross-end)
Mapa Mental:
Name: display
Value: flex | inline-flex
Initial: inline
Flex Container
Orientation - Direction
Name: flex-direction
Value: row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse
Initial: row
Orientation - Wrap
Name: flex-Wrap
Value: nowrap | wrap | wrap-reverseWrap
Initial: nowrap
Orientation - Direction & Wrap
Name: flex-flow
Initial: individual properties
Justify Content
Name: justify-content
Value: flex-start | flex-end | center | space-between | space-around
Initial: flex-start
Alignment Items
Name: align-items
Value: flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline | stretch
Initial: stretch
Alignment Content
Name: align-content
Value: flex-start | flex-end | center | space-between | space-around | stretch
Initial: stretch
Flex Item
Alignment Self
Name: align-self
Value: auto | flex-start | flex-end | center | baseline | stretch
Initial: auto
Name: order
Initial: 0
Flexibility Grow
Name: flex-grow
Initial: 0
Flexibility Shrink
Name: flex-shrink
Initial: 1
Flexibility Basis
Name: flex-basis
Value: content |<width>
Initial: auto
Flexibility Shorthand
Name: flex
Value: none | [<flex-grow>
? ||<flex-basis>
Initial: 0 1 auto
- CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1 | W3C
- CSS Box Alignment Module Level 3 | W3C
- CSS Flexible Box Layout | MDN
- Basic concepts of flexbox | MDN
- A Complete Guide to Flexbox | css-tricks
- CSS Flexible Box Layout Module | Can I Use
- Build a Minimalist HTML Card in just 53 lines of code (with Flexbox)
- How Flexbox works — explained with big, colorful, animated gifs
- Flexbox - The Ultimate CSS Flex Cheatsheet (with animated diagrams!)
- Learn CSS Flexbox in 5 Minutes
- Flexbox Cheat Sheet
- Flexbox - A friendly tutorial for modern CSS layouts
- Flexbox - Use Flexbox para levar a criação de layouts CSS ao próximo nível
- Guia Flexbox
- Flexbox in CSS | cssreference
- Flexbox - Align last itemin grid to the left
- Animated Flexbox (1, 2)
- The Complete Illustrated Flexbox Tutorial 👍
- Flexbox — The Animated Tutorial
- CSS Flex—An Interactive Tutorial
- Flex Guide
- Meet the first visual flexbox builder
- Flexbox — The Animated Tutorial