How to run javascript
Node.js (terminal)
Installing Node
Installing Node by nvm:
$ wget -qO- | bash
Node LTS:
$ nvm install lts
$ nvm alias default lts
Node Stable:
$ nvm install stable
$ nvm alias default stable
$ choco install nodejs
Running JS
Running by file:
$ node file.js
Node Prompt:
$ node
> (ctrl + v file)
Running by file (ECMAScript Modules ESM):
$ git clone
$ cd javascript-exercises/ecma/function/sum/code/
$ mv sum.{js,mjs)
$ node --experimental-modules sum.print.mjs
Visual Studio Code
- Visual Studio Code
- Code Runner
- Node.js
Browser Console
Control+Shift+J (Google Chrome)
> (ctrl + v file)
Online Interpreter
Open [](
> Choose language: Javascript
> (ctrl + v file)
> Click button run
Unit Test (Jest)
Installing Jest (package.json):
$ git clone
$ cd javascript-exercises/ecma/
$ ls package.json
$ npm install
Rename file extension to .js
$ mv function/sum/code/sum.{mjs,js}
Running Tests and Viewing Results (test fail):
$ npx jest function/sum/code/sum.test.js
FAIL function/sum/code/sum.test.js
Number Tools
✕ adding 1 + 2 (12ms)
○ skipped 1 test
● Number Tools › adding 1 + 2
expect(received).toBe(expected) // equality
Expected value to be:
Comparing two different types of values. Expected number but received undefined.
4 |
5 | test('adding 1 + 2', () => {
> 6 | expect(sum(1, 2)).toBe(3)
7 | })
8 |
9 | test.skip('adding 3 + 2', () => {
at Object.<anonymous> (function/sum/code/sum.test.js:6:23)
Test Suites: 1 failed, 1 total
Tests: 1 failed, 1 skipped, 2 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 2.689s
Ran all test suites matching /code\/function\/sum.test.js/i.
Running Tests and Viewing Results (test passed):
$ npx jest function/sum/code/sum.test.js
PASS response/function/sum.test.js
Number Tools
✓ adding 1 + 2 (5ms)
✓ adding 3 + 2
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 2 passed, 2 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 1.594s
Ran all test suites matching /response\/function\/sum.test.js/i.